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Reviews are incredibly important to independent authors like me, as they are one of the few things that can help me stand out in a very large crowd. They’re really helpful because...
Seeing lots of positive reviews and ratings on a book has a big effect on whether someone decides to take a chance on an author they don't know.
Book selling websites use AI algorithms, based on the reviews and ratings, to select what books to show in the "also bought" displays. More reviews mean my books get shown to more potential buyers.
AND... I love reading them! It's such a lot of work to publish a book and knowing that someone found it useful makes it worth all the effort.
I’ve created this one-stop page to make it very easy for you to review any of my books. Just click on the book and you will jump right to the review page. It only takes a few seconds to click a rating and your review can be as short as you like, it all helps. And remember, you can review a book on Amazon even if you didn’t buy it there!